Easy. Personal. High-touch



Perfected Pitch exists for one reason – to help you make a more effective presentation. We improve your deck and offer personal guidance. Think of us as your presentation mentor, coach, and “deck hand.”


If you’re a start-up seeking funding, or anyone developing an important presentation, Perfected Pitch can help fine tune your pitch to make it smooth, concise, appealing, compelling, and effective.

Improving your presentation. . .

is our sole business and goal


A person reviews your slide deck, asks you questions, then edits, clarifies, and makes suggestions to make your deck, and you, more persuasive.


Everyone on our team is an expert presenter and communicator, so you'll receive professional advice backed by years of experience and training.


In addition to general improvements, we provide customized feedback and guidance tailored to the specific needs and goals of your presentation.

Strategic Advice

For start-ups seeking funding, we can review your fundraising strategy with you and help you navigate issues.


How We Work Together

  1. Contact Us for a short, free consultation via phone, Zoom, email, or text.

  2. Pick your Service Plan.

  3. Send us your deck.

  4. Have a phone conversation to review your goals.

  5. Receive your deck back with additions, edits, suggestions, improvements.

  6. If you want, receive constructive input on your presentation of the deck.

Solutions for You

Start-up Fundraising

Raising money takes as much effort as running your business.  To give you the best chance to complete your fundraising round, you need an effective presentation that tells your story persuasively and connects emotionally with your investor audience.

We know what investors look for, how they tell the “investable” from the “pass on it,” and what their questions will likely be.  And we know the subtle cues, from flow to design to key words that can make the difference.

If you want to spend less time presenting and get the funding round closed fast, you’ve come to the right place.

And with our Business Class package, you also get advice on the terms and strategy of your financing round.

Sales Presentation

Looking for a way to make your presentation shine, and close sales?  Contact us.  Our job is to help you make your deck and your presentation more persuasive, smoother, and more likely to lead to a fast close.

Other Presentation

If you thought your presentation was perfect, you wouldn’t be reading this. If you want your presentation to become perfect, contact us.  We can help you make a perfected pitch. 

Tips and Thoughts

Help for your presentation - whether it's your first or 1,000th

What Clients Say

These are real comments from actual clients
Rajeev Dutt

Rajeev Dutt

CEO, AI Dynamics, Inc.

Perfected Pitch did a complete re-imagining and re-engineering of AI Dynamics' fundraising deck and delivered a pitch-ready deck for their B round financing.

Tap or click on Rajeev's photo to see a short video testimonial.

Paul Chen

Paul Chen

CEO, Neumetry Medical, Inc.

Perfected Pitch helped Neumetry Medical on their Series A Bridge financing presentation.

"Peter helped us clarify our value proposition so that investors understand our full opportunity. He made improvements to the story flow and persuasiveness.”

David S. Joseph

David S. Joseph

President, XeroThera, Inc.

Perfected Pitch helped XeroThera on their bridge to A financing presentation.

“In a time crunch, Peter did a fantastic job in modifying my presentation to an investor group. He worked over the Thanksgiving holiday to make sure my presentation hit all the right notes. No doubt, I will continue to seek his services as our company grows from our early stage.”

Michelle Edwards

Michelle Edwards

CEO, Martell Diagnostic Labs

Perfected Pitch worked with Martell on their Series B bridge round deck and presentation.

"Working with Peter was an absolute pleasure, and was a game-changer for my company presentation. It's now considerably more concise, clear and impactful, and investor interest has increased significantly. I wish we had crossed paths a year ago, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone working on an investor pitch."

Martin Skea

Martin Skea

CEO, ToGather Homes

Perfected Pitch helped ToGather on their Seed round deck and one-pager.

"Working with Peter was both productive for my business and a pleasure. He took the time to understand our business case and approach. He also listened well and asked probing questions to ensure he was best positioned to communicate our competitive advantages. I expect to continue to work with Peter and refer him to others as I am confident in his knowledge and ability to execute."

Geoff Klass

Geoff Klass

CEO, Sense Neuro

Perfected Pitch helped Sense Neuro on their investor communication.

"As entrepreneurs we get pretty caught up in our presentation pitches, constantly updating and tweaking our story. I highly recommend using Perfected Pitch to look at your presentation from a potential investor's viewpoint.
It certainly helped me enhance, sharpen and update our materials. This ultimately helped us gain traction with potential new investors."

Jennifer Sparks

Jennifer Sparks

CEO, Vacmobile Corporation

Perfected Pitch helped Vacmobile on their convertible debt offering deck and presentation.

“I can wholeheartedly endorse Peter Levy’s services. His ability to quickly dissect the weakest link in the chain is vital for ensuring your deck is effective. With some basic tweaks we were able to arrive at a substantially crisper and more compelling delivery. Peter is very easy to work with and offers very concise constructive criticism. He is worth every penny.”

Donald Hickey

Donald Hickey

CEO, Pumpinheart Ltd.

Perfected Pitch helped Pumpinheart on their Seed round financing presentation.

"The nuanced tweaks made to our deck by Perfected Pitch gave it a revitalised clarity that won the engagement we needed with MedTech business angels."

Thomas Mehrling

Thomas Mehrling

CEO, Laevoroc Oncology

Perfected Pitch helped Laevoroc on their Series A pitch deck and presentation.

"Peter’s review and comments made a significant difference. The deck was much more to the point, important information was added and the overall message got much better across. I can highly recommend Peter’s professional service."

John Ashley

John Ashley

CEO, DurVena, Inc.

Perfected Pitch assisted John and Durvena in their Convertible Note raise leading to Series A.

"Peter was easy to work with and a clear communicator. He added value throughout the presentation, from drafting missing slides, improving the overall look, catching errors, to providing insight into what the most interesting details to highlight for investors were."

William Crossman

William Crossman

President & CEO, Phoenix Pharmalabs

Perfected Pitch helped Phoenix on their convertible note pitch deck and presentation.

"I had thought that our pitch deck and presentation were pretty buttoned up, but Peter quickly pointed out opportunities for improvement and then modified the deck as needed. Previously we had difficulty fitting all important elements into a 10 min pitch but Peter identified strategies for doing that in a presentation that flowed smoothly."

Peter Forhan

Peter Forhan

CEO and Founder, JustLight pbc

Perfected Pitch reviewed Justlight's Series A fundraising deck.

"This was the most thorough and useful review I have had in my 2 years of building slide decks! I am genuinely amazed by how quickly and thoroughly you provided actionable comments; coming from someone who has had dozens of people 'take a look' at the deck. Thank you so much for your help!"

Thomas Forest Farb-Horch

Thomas Forest Farb-Horch

CEO, Thrive Bioscience, Inc.

Perfected Pitch helped Thrive Bioscience on their Series B communications and presentation.

"I struggled with succinctly and clearly pitching to investors until I worked with Peter. Peter transformed my slides and coached me on my presentation so that it was clearer than ever before and resonated with investors. Using fewer words he helped me convey the key points more meaningfully."

Chris Springate

Chris Springate

CEO, ARC Medical Inc.

Perfected Pitch assisted ARC in their Series B deck and pitch.

“Our deck needed a fresh set of eyes. Peter made our problem/solution and competitor sequences more powerful and simpler, and refined the flow throughout the deck. He gave me very specific and workable presentation feedback. Our pitch became much more effective.”

Nishit Pancholi

Nishit Pancholi

COO, Jointechlabs

Perfected Pitch helped Jointechlabs refine their Series A fundraising deck and pitch.

“Peter helped make my fundraising slide deck more interesting, clearer and cleaner, and especially more persuasive. He really helped me tell my company's story in the most compelling way. As soon as I started using the version he worked on, investor interest increased. Thank you!"

Robert Patty

Robert Patty

CEO, Bridging Medical Group

Perfected Pitch assisted BMG refine their Seed round script, deck, and presentation.

“Peter's recommendations were specific and added significant value. He materially facilitated our effort to reduce the length of presentation and add polish and focus. I would not hesitate to recommend him.”

Amir Nardimon

Amir Nardimon

Founder & CEO, Seamless Vision

Perfected Pitch helped Seamless Vision on their Series A deck and presentation.

"Peter was able to quickly identify the weak areas in our deck and greatly improve them. His insights, recommendations, changes and constant feedback through the iterations were spot on and helped me focus and target my message to my audience."

Bruce Virga

Bruce Virga

Co-founder and CEO, Title3Funds

Perfected Pitch assisted Title3Funds on their Series A Bridge presentation and deck

"I 100% recommend Peter's help with your investor deck and your pitch. Peter worked over the weekend, gave me a fresh perspective, better words, and coached me on my presentation, before and after. And he is a pleasure to work with."

Trevor Castor

Trevor Castor

CEO, Aphios Pharma, LLC

Perfected Pitch assisted Aphios Pharma with their Seed round deck and presentation.

“Peter really helped us refine the problem/solution section to be more impactful and convincing. The same for many other parts of the deck and the presentation. I would recommend working with him.”

Moshe Barel

Moshe Barel

CEO, Intratech

Perfected Pitch helped Intratech in their Series A Bridge deck and presentation.

“Peter focused the deck on the key points and helped tell a convincing story. Getting help from a fresh and seasoned set of eyes made the presentation much more effective.”

Sarika Bajaj

Sarika Bajaj

CEO, Refiberd.com

Perfected Pitch helped Refiberd.com refine their Seed fundraising deck.

"Our deck was good, but Perfected Pitch found a number of issues that we hadn't seen, and suggested ways to be more persuasive. Peter really improved our pitch."

Michael Elkin

Michael Elkin

CEO, Gravitas IO

Perfected Pitch helped GravitasIO.com on their Seed round financing presentation.

"I'm very impressed with how Perfected Pitch improved our deck. Peter helped find and fix a few big issues in our presentation, and many small ones. He directly modified our PowerPoint deck, so we didn't have to do more work on it. Thanks!”

Areas of Expertise


What is your presentation trying to accomplish and does it do so? Is there a better way to make a point? Is it crisp, or does is meander and lose steam? The core of a great presentation is not cool images or video, it’s the content and the flow. Many slide decks are created by people so familiar with the content that they don’t realize it may be new to the audience, or the conclusion not so obvious. The core of our work is understanding what you are trying to accomplish, both overall and for each slide, dissecting the presentation, and making it truly persuasive.

Grammar and Style

Even a near-perfect slide deck can lose effectiveness if there are typos, poor grammar, inconsistent use of structure and headings, and a myriad of other stylistic and grammatical issues. Often, the presenting team is so close to the material that no one notices the errors – until the audience does. We carefully inspect every word of every slide to make sure no one in the audience finds an error. Different presentations have different styles and that’s fine. What’s not fine are mistakes and inconsistencies.

Look and Feel

We’re not graphics and user interface experts. We’re not going to create that perfect 3D illustration that exactly captures the point you are trying to make. However, we can clean up and refine some user interface items, make effective charts and graphs, and generally improve the appearance of your deck. We may make some suggestions that would require a professional illustrator or graphics expert to create.


A poorly designed slide deck will ruin a presentation, but even a great deck will not save a poor presentation. We will listen to and record your presentation, and give you clear feedback on what works and what does not. This includes both “macro” areas like the volume of your voice and the pace of your presentation, as well as recommendations to improve your effectiveness in delivering each slide in your presentation.


About Perfected Pitch

We have over 30 years of experience preparing and making presentations designed to persuade.  We’ve been helping start-ups with fundraising presentations for over 20 years.

Whether you are raising money, selling a product or service, seeking a grant, or presenting a thesis or research findings, you are trying to persuade an audience – that’s where we can help.

About Our Pledges

It may seem awkward to spend money on a personal service in an impersonal web.  So we make the following pledges to you:

– We will only take on your project if we believe we can help.

– We will give you honest feedback at all times.

– Your project will receive our full attention.

Get in Touch

Your perfected pitch starts right now

We're here for you

Peter Levy, Silicon Valley, CA